var tree = [], gek, the; function downloadURI(uri, name) { var link = document.createElement("a"); = name; link.href = uri;; } async function downloadUser(user = "08draven") { let i = 0; for (let i = 0; ; i++) { let fetchReq = await fetch(`${user}/projects/?limit=40&offset=${i * 40}`); let fetchJson = await fetchReq.json(); if (fetchJson.length < 1) break; tree = [...tree, ...fetchJson]; } gek = 0; } async function getPoject() { if (the = tree[gek]) { the =; e = await fetch("" + the); e = await e.json(); if (e.project_token != undefined) { downloadURI("" + the + "?token=" + e.project_token, the) } gek++; } else { console.log("end"); } } await downloadUser(); setInterval(getPoject, 500)