diff --git a/js/tree.js b/js/tree.js
index 2a052cc..09a68bb 100644
--- a/js/tree.js
+++ b/js/tree.js
@@ -6,8 +6,17 @@ const magConst = 150;
const itemWidth = 120;
const itemHeight = 90;
+let cache = '';
+function escapeHtml(unsafe) {
+ return (unsafe + '')
+ .replace(/&/g, "&")
+ .replace(//g, ">")
+ .replace(/"/g, """)
+ .replace(/'/g, "'");
function genElement(type, area, content, attribs) {
- var elem = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",type);
var directAttribs = attribs.direct || {};
var styleAttribs = attribs.style || {};
@@ -20,13 +29,15 @@ function genElement(type, area, content, attribs) {
directAttribs.style = fullStyle;
+ var elem = '';
Object.keys(directAttribs).forEach(function (attrib) {
- elem.setAttribute(attrib, directAttribs[attrib]);
+ elem += `${escapeHtml(attrib)}="${escapeHtml(directAttribs[attrib])}" `;
- elem.textContent = content;
+ elem = `<${type} ${elem}>${content}${type}>`
- area.appendChild(elem);
+ cache += elem;
return elem;
@@ -37,13 +48,18 @@ function genEntry(posEntry, area, fetchData) {
var x = posEntry.x * magConst;
var y = posEntry.y * treeHeight;
+ var x2 = x * zoom + mpos[0];
+ var y2 = y * zoom + mpos[1];
+ if (y2 < -250 || y2 > area2.clientHeight+ 250) return;
if (y > 0) {
genElement('path', area, '', {
'direct': {
'class': 'line',
'd': `M ${x + (itemWidth / 2)} ${y - treeHeight + itemHeight / 2} v ${itemHeight} z`
- });
+ });
if (posEntry.offbranch >= 0) {
@@ -52,24 +68,21 @@ function genEntry(posEntry, area, fetchData) {
'class': 'line',
'd': `M ${x + (itemWidth / 2)} ${y + itemHeight / 2} h ${magConst * (posEntry.offbranch)} z`
- });
+ });
let a = genElement('a', area, '', {
'direct': {
'href': `https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/${posEntry.id}`,
'class': `${posEntry.visible ? '' : 'red'}`,
- },
- 'style': {
- 'transform': `translate(${x}px, ${y}px)`
- });
+ });
genElement('image', a, '', {
'direct': {
'href': `https://uploads.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/${posEntry.id}_1920x1080.png`,
- 'x': '10',
- 'y': '-15',
+ 'x': x - 10,
+ 'y': y - 15,
'width': '100'
@@ -85,25 +98,11 @@ function genEntry(posEntry, area, fetchData) {
genElement('text', a, text[i], {
'direct': {
- 'x': '75',
- 'y': 75 + 8 * i
+ 'x': x + 75,
+ 'y': y + 75 + 8 * i
- });
+ });
- /*
- {#if Math.abs((mpos[0] + elem.x * zoom) - width/2) < width/2 * 1.2 && Math.abs((mpos[1] + elem.y * zoom) - height/2) < height/2 * 1.2 }
- {:else}
- {/if}
- {elem.name}
- {elem.y / treeHeight} proj. deep
- {(elem.date) ? (new Date(elem.date.$date) + '').split('GMT')[0] : 'Date not available'}
- {elem.user}
- */
@@ -118,22 +117,28 @@ async function genTree(id) {
let keys = Object.keys(fetchData);
- keys.forEach(id => {
- if (id == fetchData.root_id || id == 'root_id') return;
+ let r = fetchData[fetchData.root_id];
- let allChild = keys.map(x => fetchData[x].children).flat();
+ let i = 0;
+ for (let id of keys) {
+ if (id == fetchData.root_id || id == 'root_id') continue;
- if (allChild.indexOf(id) == -1) {
- fetchData[fetchData.root_id].children.push(id);
+ if (!fetchData[id].parent_id && keys.findIndex(x => fetchData[x].children && fetchData[x].children.indexOf(id) != -1) == -1) {
+ r.children.push(id);
- });
+ i++;
+ console.log(i)
+ };
let pos = await main(fetchData);
- pos.forEach(function (posEntry) {
- genEntry(posEntry, area, fetchData);
- })
+ setInterval(function () {
+ cache = '';
+ for (let posEntry of pos) {
+ genEntry(posEntry, area, fetchData);
+ }
+ area.innerHTML = cache;
+ }, 1000)
return pos;
\ No newline at end of file