var findElemIndex = function(entry,combo) { var comboPart = entry; if (combo.length != comboPart.length - 1) return false; for (var i = 0; i < comboPart.length - 1; i++) { if (combo[i] != comboPart[i]) return false; } return true; }; const fs = require('fs'); var combos = []; var inv = []; var lastCombined = {}; var lastCombo = {}; fs.readFile('./db/combos.txt', 'utf-8',(err,data) => { combos = data.split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < combos.length; i++) { combos[i] = combos[i].split('**'); } }); fs.readFile('./db/inv.txt', 'utf-8',(err,data) => { inv = data.split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < inv.length; i++) { inv[i] = inv[i].split('**'); } }); module.exports.pushCombo = (result,channel, id) => { combos.push(result); fs.writeFile('./db/combos.txt', => x.join('**')).join('\n'), (err) => { channel.send(`:new: New element: ${result[result.length - 1]}`); }); } const poll = require('./poll.js'); module.exports.getInv = () => { return inv; } module.exports.getLastCombined = (id) => { return lastCombined[id] || "Earth"; } module.exports.getSuggestion = (id) => { return lastCombo[id] || []; } module.exports.getUserInv = (id) => { var userInvIndex = inv.findIndex(function(entry) { return entry[0] == id; }) var userInv = ['Earth', 'Fire', 'Air', 'Water']; if (userInvIndex != -1) { userInv = inv[userInvIndex].slice(1); } return userInv; } module.exports.combine = (combo,channel, id) => { var elemIndex = combos.findIndex((x) => findElemIndex(x,combo)); var userInvIndex = inv.findIndex(function(entry) { return entry[0] == id; }) var userInv = ['Earth', 'Fire', 'Air', 'Water']; if (userInvIndex != -1) { userInv = inv[userInvIndex].slice(1); } for (var i = 0; i < combo.length; i++) { if (userInv.indexOf(combo[i]) == -1) { channel.send(":x: You don't have that element"); return; } } if (elemIndex == -1) { lastCombo[id] = combo; channel.send(":red_circle: That combination doesn't exist yet, use /sugg to suggest"); } else { var comboPart2 = combos[elemIndex]; if (userInvIndex == -1) { userInvIndex = inv.length; inv.push([id,'Air','Earth','Fire','Water']); } lastCombined[id] = comboPart2[comboPart2.length - 1]; if (userInv.indexOf(comboPart2[comboPart2.length - 1]) != -1) { channel.send(`:blue_circle: You made ${comboPart2[comboPart2.length - 1]}, but you already have it`); return; } inv[userInvIndex].push(comboPart2[comboPart2.length - 1]); fs.writeFile('./db/inv.txt', => x.join('**')).join('\n'), (err) => { channel.send(`:new: You made ${comboPart2[comboPart2.length - 1]}`); }); } }