async function importRouters(app, routers) { for (let router in routers) { await app.use(router, (await import(routers[router])).default) } } function apiStat(res, next, message, success = false, redirect = '/') { res.api = { success, message, redirect }; next(); } function splitUp(content) { let out = content.split('\n').map(x => x.split('::')); return out; } async function replyIterator(replies, db) { for (let reply of replies) { if (reply.childType == 'hub') { reply.comment = { type: reply.childType, id: reply.childId, content: `The ${reply.childId} hub.`, username: false, date: undefined }; continue; } else if (reply.childType == 'users') { reply.comment = { type: reply.childType, id: reply.childId, content: `User ${reply.childId}'s wall.`, username: false, date: undefined }; continue; } let dat = await db.all('SELECT * FROM comment WHERE id = ?', [ reply.childId ]); if (reply.childType != 'comment' || dat.length < 1) { reply.comment = 'fail'; continue; } reply.comment = dat[0]; reply.comment.type = reply.childType; // = reply.childId; } for (let reply of replies) { reply.comment.content = splitUp(reply.comment.content) } return replies; } export { importRouters, apiStat, replyIterator };