Terms of Use

1. Respect

Respect the BiglyChat community. Specifically, don't:

  1. Repeatedly attack a person
  2. Expose personal information
  3. Discriminate against sexuality, race, disability, or religion
  4. Encourage self-harm
  5. Nag staff for content without community discourse

2. Communication

Official communication with BiglyChat staff is on the native website, or alternatively via Discord. Report misbehavior, suggestions, and bug fixes to these channels.

3. Exploits

Don't exploit unintended functionality in Dervland services or hijack accounts to do so.

This includes accounts used to manipulate statistics or follower counts.

4. Age

You must be 13 years or older to use private channels outside of reports to staff.

5. Blanket bans

Certain topics are disallowed in public spaces that frequently spiral to unhealthy discussion or impulsive behavior:

  1. Non-historical politics
  2. Cryptocurrency or financial services, excluding commissions for art services
  3. Drama that is excessive, fruitless, or unrelated to Dervland
  4. Violent radicalism
  5. Lewd or hypersexual content
  6. Hacking of accounts on any service

Enforcement of Terms

When a rule is broken, BiglyChat staff will temporarily or permanently ban the actor. The primary motive is to keep the community safe, and prevent additional escalation.