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        <h1 class='content-header'>Terms of Use</h1>
        <h2>1. Respect</h2>
        <p>While BiglyChat encourages good-faith discussion, some topics put the site's community at harm:</p>
            <li>Repeated personal attacks</li>
            <li>Not safe for work content</li>
            <li>Exposing non-public personal information</li>
            <li>Illegal activity in the United States</li>
        <h2>2. Communication</h2>
        <p>The community is held responsible for contacting staff via Discord. This functionality is used for reporting
            misbehavior and communicating suggestions or bug fixes.</p>
        <h2>3. Exploits</h2>
        <p>Don't exploit or clog Xuyezo services, regardless of potential utility or publicity.</p>
        <h2>4. Limitations</h2>
        <p>The moderation isn't responsible for behavior on other instances of Xuyezo software.</p>
        <!-- todo: guidelines for project lifecycle + stop derv killing everything-->
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