<%- include('header.ejs') -%> <div class="content"> <h1 class='content-header'>Terms of Use</h1> <h2>1. Respect</h2> <p>Disruption to constructive discussion within BiglyChat is prohibited:</p> <ol> <li>Repeated personal attacks</li> <li>Exposing non-public personal information</li> <li>Illegal activity in the United States</li> </ol> <h2>2. Communication</h2> <p>Official communications of BiglyChat are the native website and Discord. Report misbehavior, suggestions, and bug fixes to these channels.</p> <h2>3. Exploits</h2> <p>Don't exploit destructive functionality in Dervland services or hijack accounts to do so.</p> <h2>4. Age</h2> <p>You must be 13 years or older.</p> <h2>5. Blanket bans</h2> <p>Certain topics disallowed in public spaces frequently spiral to unhealthy discussion or impulsive behavior:</p> <ol> <li>Non-historical politics</li> <li>Bigotry against sexuality, race, religion</li> <li>Cryptocurrency or financial services</li> <li>Channels that primarily focus on drama</li> <li>Terrorism or violent radicalism</li> <li>Lewd or shock content</li> </ol> <!-- todo: guidelines for project lifecycle + stop derv killing everything--> </div> <%- include('footer.ejs') -%>